
Atlas H30臭氧发生器在光伏电池的中的应用

Atlas H30臭氧发生器在光伏电池的中的应用

该文介绍了同林代理的这款Atlas H30臭氧发生器应用在光伏电池中。





It was noted in Section 4.3 that previous work by Zhuiykov et al. on the deposition of WO3 using BTBMW and H2O resulted in oxygen deficient WO3 [97]. This could potentially be remedied by using a more reactive oxygen precursor such as ozone or by increasing the water concentration. Also, a deposition temperature of 250-350°C was used in this previous report, which would prevent the integration of the WO3 films into a PSC with a n-i-p structure, as the perovskite layer typically degrades at temperatures above 140°C [50], [82]. Again, the use of a more reactive oxygen precursor may facilitate the WO3 deposition at a lower temperature. When compared to water, ozone is known to reduce the deposition temperature for aluminum oxide [103]. The precursor, trimethylaluminum (TMA) and ozone produced films at temperatures as low as 50°C while H2O could only produce films above 100°C [103].

To this end, an ozone generator was incorporated into the AP-SALD system. An ATLAS 30UHC ozone generator from Absolute Ozone was used to generate ozone from an oxygen gas cylinder with 7.5% nitrogen balance. A manual mass flow controller was placed at the output of the ozone generator to control the flow. This connects directly into the brass manifold above the reactor head in place of the oxygen carrier line. A dial was used to set the potentiometer of the ozone generator which affects the concentration of ozone generated. The system was calibrated to 20 psi. The ozone generator and mass flow controller are pictured below in Figure 30. It should be noted that the accuracy of the manual MFC is questionable due to the scale being in standard liters per minute (slpm) instead of sccm and the flow of gas typically being used was around 300 sccm.


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北京同林科技有限公司,是一家致力于臭氧发生器技术研发的环保科技企业,目前已经开发有半导体用臭氧发生器、臭氧气体分析仪、溶解臭氧分析仪、臭氧水机等多个专用的臭氧发生器产品。 北京同林科技...


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